random post

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Say hello and forget

Oh, hi.
What's your name?
Ryan. I'm from San Jose. You?
I'm _____ and I'm from ______.
Oh, that's cool. So what are you majoring in?
I don't really know yet. Something sciency, probably. You?
Yeah, I don't really know either.
So when did you get here?
Yesterday night. You?
This morning.
You committed here yet?
No, I'm still deciding.
Hey, well nice meeting you.

Take this conversation and multiply it by 30, and that equals the vast, vapid majority of my social experience at Visitas. 

Am I a loser? Perhaps. Am I a horrible conversationalist? Probably.

Then again, I've learned to not expect much out of mingling conversation. We're all a bunch of fakes because no one is comfortable showing the inside to random strangers - because we're all too aware of our ugliness.

Walls are as much to keep others out, as to keep us in.

So no, I didn't loathe having the same formulaic conversation every day. Because I would rather not see the prick and asshole inside everyone until much later.

As I'm sure is the case for them.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be your entire freshman fall semester.
