From watching the experiences of people before me, I know enough to not burrow my head into my shell like a turtle. If there's an impending problem, it's usually better to willingly stare it in the face when it's still far away, then be forced to deal with it later, when it's too late.
The question is: can you prepare for a future that no one knows for certain? Because for all we know, we could have been staring at a ship that wasn't ever going to make it to shore.
At least when your head is stuck in your shell, you take every experience at a time. You're in one place at one time, and you know nothing else - there's nothing else you can see.
Funny. Isn't that precisely what people always tell us to do? To always live life in the present, and enjoy it?
So maybe the turtle had it right after all - stick your head in your shell, live in the now, and brace yourself for disaster.
Because regardless of whether you were planning for it or not, it's going to come anyway.
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