random post

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Genie -- (a thought experiment I came up with while studying for the MCAT)

You are walking along some generic beach in some nice tropical island. You are, of course, in a dream.

You happen to spot a lamp lying out near the rocks, and you squeal in delight as you sprint over towards it. But you soon see that this is no golden Aladdin lamp. No, this lamp is made of crumpled aluminum foil, with cheap gold paint flaking off the handle and crusted marinara sauce from some teenager's Bagel Bites. 

It's quite a sketchy lamp. Still, who are you to judge a magical genie's choice of residence, especially when he can grant wishes? You rub the lamp anyway.

GENIE: *wheeze* (waving arms, trying to clear the dust and sand) What the bloody hell do you want?! Egh.
You: So you're the genie in this lamp?
GENIE: (glaring) Look here sonny, you don't go around asking a homeless guy if that cardboard box he's sitting on is his house, so where the hell do you get off on asking something so asinine?
You: Oh, no no, that's not what I meant at all! I uh, I really like your lamp! It's very, um, economical.
GENIE: ...
You:  Anyway, do I get my three wishes?
GENIE: (pulling the lid back down) 
You: Wait, no! Come on, I'll bet an old genie like you has granted tons of wishes before! 
GENIE: Yup, calling me an old fart is definitely helping your case right now.
You: Please? Please? Please? Please? Ple-
GENIE: Whoever told you "please" is the magic word was full of shit and couldn't tell the difference between magic and a light bulb. Stop that.
You: (pause) Please?
GENIE: ....Fine. I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who's found me on this generic beach that doesn't even exist. On another note, have you noticed how everyone around here is either naked or can fly?
You: ...
GENIE: So to answer your question, yes, you do get to say three wishes-
You: Sweet! My first wish will be to ha-
GENIE: ....three wishes that I will take away from you.
You: What?!
GENIE: You say three wishes, and on your command, I will remove them from your conscience for as long as you live. You won't ever think about those wishes again.
You: Why on earth would I want to do that?!
GENIE: Suit yourself. You'd be surprised at the results though; no doubt that I make people happier than that idiotic Smurf of a genie in that lame Disney movie.


Be careful what you wish for because you often don't end up any happier than you were before, blah blah, cliche stuff. That's a lesson everyone should have heard by now.

But let me ask you this: would you take the genie's offer?

My instinctive reaction is to say no; figuring out why that's the case has proven much more difficult.

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