I recently learned that a lot of people actually like the Juicy Pear flavored jelly beans. Apparently, a friend of mine used to buy entire bags of nothing but purified, uncontaminated Juicy Pears from the Jelly Belly factory and munch away while doing her homework.
Now personally, I find them more or less equivalent to artificially colored pills of shit. (pvalue = 0.051)
But no matter. As the next logical course of action, I then turned to Yahoo! Answers to get a definitive and accurate survey on this pressing matter from the best and brightest minds of our generation.
The results rolled in, and it turned out that Juicy Pear was incredibly polarizing. Of course, I found more than a few of my fellow Juicy Pear haters on those sacred Yahoo! threads. Yet I also discovered a shocking number of Juicy Pear maniacs lurking amongst the rest of us. Just what, I asked myself, did such intelligent people perceive in these jelly beans that I did not?
(Yes, this is a metaphor for our political opinions).
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